Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I got this email from Ginna today:

"I think maybe someone hacked your blog... looks like something on North Korea?"

I was like, say whaaaat? So I forwarded Gin's email to Andrew and asked him to look into it since I was out running errands and the blog looked fine to me. He responded by saying he accidentally posted one of his Japanese blog posts (one of his side jobs is to translate articles for a Japanese blog) but after realizing what he'd done, he deleted it. So funny.

So, that's why CCD in CLT looked a bit different this morning. :)

And here's an excerpt if you can read Japanese. 

北朝鮮、拿捕した中 国漁船を解放 外交 問題化避ける
中国外務省の洪磊副報道 局長は21日の定例会見で、北朝鮮当局に 拿捕(だほ)されていた中国漁船が同日未 明、解放されたことを明らかにした。北朝 鮮側が要求した60万元(約1千万円)は 支払われなかったという。中朝双方が外交 問題化するのを避け、決着を図ったとみら れる。 すべての船員が解放され、漁船はすでに 中国側の海域に戻り、操業を再開したとい う。洪副局長は「北朝鮮側が事件について 全面的な調査を行い、説明することを望 む」と述べ、再発防止を求めた。
漁船は5日、操業中に北朝鮮の巡視船に 拿捕された。現場は漁業権などを巡って中 朝間で争いのある海域とみられ、北朝鮮側 は「罰金」の支払いを要求。10日、船主 からの連絡を受けた中国外務省が北朝鮮政 府に解放を求めていた。
北朝鮮のミサイル発射や核開発を巡る緊 張が続く中、中朝が新たな火種を抱えるこ とを避けることで一致したとの見方が強 い。
North Korea releases seized Chinese fishing boat –avoids issue becoming an diplomatic incident....

Friday, May 10, 2013


Ok, I realize that this might only be funny to me, but I'll blog about it anyway.

Two weeks ago during Chapel at preschool:
Child {very serious the whole time}: "Mrs. Day, did you know that {insert sister's name} likes to toot?"
Me: "No. No I didn't know that."

On Wednesday we had Muffins for Moms at preschool and we've been practicing singing this Mother's Day song for weeks. A mom came up to me that morning and said she found her daughter in the corner of the room with her two hands over her mouth whispering the song quietly before school. She was getting ready but didn't want her mom to hear. So sweet.

Our fish, Nemo, died a month ago. He was actually Nemo III but we didn't tell the children about the other two Nemos for various reasons. We finally decided we were poor fish keepers and they were old enough for us to talk about death. The day we found him, we told them that Nemo went to fish heaven. During lunch, they asked how he got there and I told them I didn't know. A few children discussed that he 1. went up in a helicopter 2. arose to heaven {this was around Easter} and 3. he just didn't like preschool so he died.

For a Mother's Day gift we interviewed the children. One question we asked was, 'My mommy is really good at _____' and one child said, "going to Target". :)

Maybe the funniest thing of all to me is this Valentine's balloon that's been around since the first week in February. We had to tie it upstairs so it wouldn't set off our alarm system. Lately it's been looking a little deflated...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Two years!

Hooray! We're celebrating our TWO YEAR anniversary! Last night we had dinner at Block & Grinder. Yum. Maybe it's just me, but the eve of any birthday/anniversary/holiday is the best part! Plus, it was a beautiful evening in Charlotte, so we decided to celebrate early.

I love traditions and since we went to the Target parking deck last year for our anniversary, of course we had to do the same this year. 

Year one anniversary: