Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vacation, Day Five: New York City

It's been a few days since I've been able to post, mainly because my computer wouldn't upload the pictures, but also because it's been a crazy busy week. Tuesday was a really fun day in the City, except that I'm not even kidding. 103 degrees. I mostly walked everywhere because it's just fun to see old sights, and talk to Allison for hours at a time... but this heat made me remember why summers in the City are often miserable.

On this day, I had to move my car from the East Village, where I was staying, because they were cleaning the streets. So I drove up to the UES to relive a typical morning.

Went to my deli and the guy still remembered what I liked.

Walked around the reservoir.

Went to my old building and saw a couple doormen.

Then I met up with my Charlotte roomie, Caitlin! She's here for the summer so it was great to catch up. We went to a yummy noodle place in Union Square then walked back to Fishs Eddy (yes, be jealous).

I then went back to the UES and saw Miriam (and Chris & Ollie)! She had a lovely spread of cheese, crackers and fruit and we chatted for a long while about married life and recent events. What a dear friend!

After I left, I stopped into the Barnes & Noble near my old apartment to see Alex McCord from NY Housewives, as she was doing a book signing. So that was my celebrity sighting. Except that I think I also saw the little Asian guy in Oceans 11 waking around in Grand Central.
Made my way to Times Square... hang out with Pamela!!! They're painting their apartment, hence the roller & cap. It was a great way to end the day, just being together with good friends.


Tails from the City said...

Great post, Carrie. Except that Olly and I look possessed. xoxo.

Allison Parker said...

i loved our long talks while you were there. so glad you had fun. miriam, you and Olly look beautiful!