Hello there! I was so bummed this morning when I realized that I hadn't Googled to find ways to celebrate leap year (I've been otherwise occupied with Dr. Seuss week at school... more on that Friday). But Andrew and I had our weekly breakfast date at Brueggers this morning, so maybe that can count.
Anyway, a couple weeks ago we found mold growing on my desk. I was desk-less for about two long weeks. Searched on Craigslist ( which = emailing many, many people re: desks which usually went: "would you accept $50 less for what you're selling it for"), then went Goodwill and thrift store shopping for two weeks. Last Saturday I was feeling pretty bummed because I just hadn't found the one. I decided to go to Sleepy Poet, where I had been the week before, just to see if they had anything new. (Live in Charlotte? Go to Sleepy Poet! So wonderful!) I was so discouraged and felt like I was on this wild goose chase until I walked up and found it. I just knew I had to have this desk. Check the price... $80!! I can do that. Called Andrew for transportation help and within 25 minutes I was setting up the desk. I decided that the best fit for it wasn't in the living room, but the guest bedroom where it went perfectly. So thankful!!
Sunday night we went to an Oscars party. I quickly learned how boring I am because by 9pm all I could think about was a full week of school ahead and wanting sleep. :) It was a good time, though!!
I also framed one of our niece's artwork and put on Andrew's bedside table. It makes me so happy to see all those colors!
Tonight we had a life group social where we each brought a meal entree from our favorite Charlotte restaurant... kinda like a big taste of Charlotte. It was wonderful to have a sample of different foods from round town. I made this for dessert. Yeah Queen City!
The last thing I'll say is something that's been on my heart today. I had my on-the-way-to-work chat with my Mama this morning and we were talking about my grandmother, Gigi, and how she's in the final days/weeks/maybe months of her life. My Mom and her sisters have been thinking through funeral arrangements and what all of that will look like. We're going to visit her this weekend and one of the things that came to mind of what I want to say to her is, "Gigi, you're getting so close to seeing Jesus!" Can you imagine?! Of course, we're not sure the number of any of our days, but we've been told that hers are drawing quickly to a close. It truly boggled my mind that really, my grandmother who has loved the Lord will soon be with Him. Oh the joy!! Until then, I will treasure every moment with her."Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" -1 Corinthians 15:54b-55