Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Cookies!

I won't even go into allll the ways the North and South are different. But on this occasion, I usually happen to forget this important difference until right about now. Um, yeah. It's the Winter that will not end. I hear stories of budding trees, blooming flowers down South and flip flops but all Nature has to show up here is its bare trees with microscopic buds in the midst of 32 degree weather.

I'm sure I could handle it better if I was from the North, but as a Southerner, it just seems odd to HAVE to wear heavy coats, hats and gloves in late March.

At any rate, I decided to make a new Spring cookie: Lemon-Honey Drop Cookies. Yum. They're quite tasty, easy to make and will make you feel like it's Spring in your heart even if it's freezing outside. Plus, putting them on a platter full of green grass and CP's best spots makes me long for warmer weather even more.

1 comment:

Allison Parker said...

mmm.. Carrie, those look so good! I want to try them! I think they'd go perfectly with fruit tea. :)