Monday, April 2, 2012


One of the things I really wanted to see on our trip was Mt. Fuji. We were able to see it from the bullet train. It's the mountain with the snow covered tip.
Trying to keep up with the bullet train.
We made it to Nagoya! Not really sure what this is.
Swallowing my pride here and posting a picture without makeup. Our suitcase is still lost {which many people here have said is so unusual!... of course it would happen to us!} but the good news is that we went to Uniqlo tonight and I got a new dress to wear for tomorrow. Hooray for clean, new clothes!
I'm not going to lie, it's been a challenging trip at times and I've had a head cold for the past two days. But! We're looking forward to a new day tomorrow along with Mister Donuts for breakfast. I've heard that these are the best donuts ever. And hooray for eating donuts on vacation!


Dorothy said...

I miss you so much and I hate that I have missed your time to chat. I pray we can connect soon.

Allison Parker said...

I'm so glad the shirt you bought was Peter Pan collar shirt and not a red shirt with a picture of Peter Pan! Haha.. After seeing those other shirts, I didn't know what to expect. I was hoping it was the Peter pan collar.. I hope you get your stuff soon, but hooray for new clothes! :)